Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bob Doyle and the 4 hour Election

Time to call the Doctor. You know the commercials. If something lasts up to 4 hours you should see a Doctor. Bob Doyle made the original commercials famous. This after he lost to Bill Clinton in the 1996 election. I remember meeting Bob and Elizabeth at a greet and meet at Liberty Life and coming away thinking she should be the one running for President. Don't get me wrong, I respect Bob Doyle greatly especially for his service and injuries in the war and for his many years in the Senate.
But as the republican party normally does, they chose their candidate by whose turn it was, instead of who's views came closest to the parties. My parents were what you would call Goldwater/Eisenhower republicans. They believed in small government, fiscally conservative and don't fight wars unless attacked. Now days Eisenhower would probably be a libertarian. Once again the republican party is annointing Mitt Romney because it is his turn. He lost to John McCain in 2008 so it's his turn at bat. This line of thinking is what drove me to campaign and vote for our current president. When does it end.
I looked at the entire crop before making my decision. My view of each one: Perry-I spoke with a family member in Dallas who owns his own business and the stories he told of Perry makes me think he is very reckless. Santorum- wolf in sheeps clothing. He is not a fiscal conservative and he voted against Right to Work legislature. Newt-I gained a whole new respect for Newt watching the 1 on 1 debate he had with Governor Huntsman. But, too many questions concerning his relationships with Fanny & Freddie, and his endorsement of the Medicare Drug Plan takes him out of the picture. Uncle Ron Paul- I actually like alot of his views, my friends Hammer and Red know exactly what I mean, but I said I like a small government not none at all. and Finally Romney- You may think he is the most electable, but think again. This Bain Capital crap, (which I have no problem with, it's called Capitalism)is making waves now, wait until Axlerod gets his teeth into it. Trust me I know how they work.
Governor Huntsman is really our only choice. How is the president going to debate him? Compare his record in Utah with Mass. or the last 4 years. A man who chose to serve his country instead of serving the Republican party and earning his way to the front of the line. Lets not make this a 4 state election.

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