Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where's FEMA?

Ok, Ok, Ok, were right. To all those who are saying I told you so, you were right. The trees did finally come down. Yep, a storm blew through Quail Ridge yesterday and took down my 2 bradford pears in my front yard. They had survived ice-storms, numerous storms, and this drought. 13 years out of a bradford pear is not bad. I bought them for $10.00 ea. at the K-Mart in Greer in 95, so I think I got my money's worth. Leo(neighbor across the street) said it was the worst storm he had seen in his 20 yrs in the neighborhood. We received 1.75" of rain in just over 30 minutes.
Now comes the decision on what to replace them with. Any suggestions out there? My wife won't let me put in a Pindo Palm, so it will probably be either a cherry or maple tree. The other big question of the day came from David Snider when he asked, "what are you going to decorate this Christmas". A very good question, a very good question.

"you've just given,
given it all to the wind" Ozark Mtn. Daredevils.



Peg and Don said...

I think you can do three trees. Absolutely get a Pindo or some other palm tree; this is your opportunity! You can plant it in the middle of the yard and flank that palm tree with a Yoshino cherry on one side and a maple tree (remember that they seek water and the roots spread far) on the other. Just make sure they are separated enough that they don't stunt the other's growth. The only concern is whether the Pindo would make it in our region. We know another windmill would....

Stephen Taylor said...

Sorry about the loss. And I agree now is the time to put in what you'd like. Do they sell trees with preinstalled lights?