Monday, June 23, 2008

Who's left to make us think?

I'm going to miss George Carlin. Everyone of my age who remembers the early George Carlin will know what I am saying. The Hippy-Dippy weatherman, the sportscaster, "William 7 Mary 0", 7 words you can never say on the radio, etc. But what I will miss the most is his take on politics and religion. Now don't take this the wrong way, I disagree with his lack of belief in god, but his takes on the hypocrisy of organized religion were dead on. Also, his views on politics were absolutely hillarous. He not only had the ability to make us laugh, but more importantly he made us think.
Tim Russert didn't make us laugh, but he did make us think. By giving us an unbias interview, doing the homework for us, and not being afraid to ask the tough question, he gave us the information to help us form our own opinion.
One of the problems we have today is that people don't want to hear opinions that differ from their own. Is it a fear that they could be wrong? Not being strong in their beliefs? Or just living in a very intolerable society? I have always loved to talk to people who are different. Different cultures, different beliefs, different points of view, etc...
"When everyone thinks alike, no one is thinking".

"You can't judge an apple by looking at the tree, You can't judge honey by looking at the bee".
"You can't judge a daughter by looking at the mother, and you can't judge a book by looking at the cover".. (Late Great) Bo Didley, "You Can't Judge a book by the cover"

1 comment:

Peg and Don said...

You need to speak to Steve on the carphone. He's pretty opinionated too. I'd bet you and he could converse for hours. Hahaha....
I agree with you about George Carlin and Tim Russert. Carlin was hilarious and really did make you think - so why is football played on a gridiron where you have to march down the field to score while baseball is played on a diamond and you score by going home? That's one of many. I suppose if you publish the 7 words you can't say on TV, they'd bleep them from the blog... And Russert was as the broadcasters have said: tough but fair. Sorry to ramble. Love the blog... But you need to post more pictures... Hahahaha again!