Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oil flavored Kool-Aid

"Please ignore the man behind the curtain". Finally, the line in the sand is being drawn. Actually the line is being drawn at the bottom of the ocean, off of our coasts. So President Bush and John McCain have decided its time to open up the drilling rights off of our coasts. Great Idea!! Lets see, our refineries are operating at the max and we haven't built any new ones in years. With this new drilling and all this new oil, it would be 5-10 years before it would go online.

As I have stated in the past, the price of gas was too low. Recently the Saudis have said they want to increase production and bring down the price of a barrell of oil. Of course they do. It's like the drug dealer who knows that a cheap crack cocaine is better than the higher price version. With cheap drugs, the user has no reason to fight the addiction. The Saudis know that with high gas prices, we will begin to fight our addiction with alternative fuels and more effecient vehicles. We are already seeing this happen. The ones who profit the most from oil are the ones who will be pushing for openning up ANWER, and drilling off of our coasts. "Follow the Money"!! As a country I know we can do better. We have the technology to break this addiction, we just havn't found it yet.

"belief is a beautiful armor but makes for the heaviest sword
like punching underwater you never can hit who you're trying for"...John Mayer, Belief


1 comment:

Stephen Taylor said...

Syd, finally got back to blog reading. Must say that while I've always enjoyed your comments about stuff, it's the closing refrains that are a delight to me - O thou great repository of top forty hits for the past forty years! I can't imagine the music playing on the road trip to Dallas. By the way, glad to hear the business is going well.